Harvest Monday_July 5, 2010

Today is Harvest Monday hosted by Daphne at Daphne’s Dandelions, a prime opportunity to post pics of produce you didn’t have to purchase and to see the pics of other people’s pickings. 

Here’s what I’ve plucked from my planted plots.

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Here’s the updated 2010 Harvest as of 07-05-10:   917.7 oz. which converts to 57.35 lbs.

Sprinkled into the slide show are a few pics from one of my Master Garden friend’s (Gregory Bratton) community gardens, the Roseland Community Peace Garden.  (I still haven’t figured out how to separate the pictures into two different slide shows).  They harvested lots of collard greens, cabbage, onions, carrots, string beans, mint and beets, and probably a few things I left out.  He’s pictured holding two ginormous zucchini plants that they harvested that day.  (Thanks for the produce, it went into the mix for my roasted veggies for the holiday.)

I think community gardens are great.  I even signed up for a plot in one because I wanted a little more community in my gardening, but the place that I signed up for you had to walk two blocks to get to it, and whenever I went by there most of the times I didn’t see anyone gardening in it.   So, I kind of gave up that idea.  I’ll still attend my meetings and volunteer whenever I can, but I gave up that idea.  But…to scratch that itch, I installed another bed in my back yard.  (See next post).

There’s not a lot going on in my little yard these days.  All but a few of the raspberries are gone.  I pulled the snow peas.  Since it heated up they were making so few flowers I figured it wasn’t worth taking up the space.  Just about all the lettuce has bolted and most of it has been pulled already. 

I had pulled some of the mustard greens, and the ones that are left are growing a little better.  The swiss chard I decided to let the leaves grow a little larger before I pick them.   The Armenian cucumber has finally set at least one cucumber, and the yard long beans have started producing.  Gotta say, though, I like the regular bush beans better.  These are really skinny and not real flavorful.

That’s it for today,

Happy Gardening!!!


  1. July 5, 2010 at 4:18 pm

    I’m so sorry to see the raspberries going. I was enjoying my bowl of berries each day.

    Just when I think things are slowing down, the beans get going strong, then it will soon be tomatoes! I like the bush beans too, but it sure tires out the old back to pick them. For that reason alone, I’m partial to pole beans.

    • gardengoodies said,

      July 5, 2010 at 9:18 pm

      I picked about five raspberries this evening when I got in and there are about five left. I’m really going to miss them.

      This is the first year I’ve planted pole beans. I wanted to pick something exotic, that’s why I picked the yard long beans, but I’m thinking I should have just stayed with something I was used to and knew I liked. Well, at least you’re getting something in return for your backache. And be thankful that the tomatoes grow up in the air or your back would be ruined for sure with all the tomatoes you’re going to be picking.

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